We beseech thee, Master, to be our helper and protector. Save the afflicted among us; have mercy on the lowly; raise up the fallen; appear to the needy; heal the ungodly; restore the wanderers of thy people; feed the hungry; ransom our prisoners; raise up the sick; comfort the faint-hearted. St. Clement of RomeMonsignor Edward Ryle died last night after a month long hospital stay. He was called the "conscience of the legislature." Shortly after my brother was appointed to the state house, Ryle noticed that he had an image of St. Jude on his desk. For some rather strange historical reasons, St. Jude is the patron of hopeless causes. Ryle turned to my brother and said, "At least you know what you are up against." I worked with Ryle once. Many years ago, I travelled to Phoenix with a group called the Catholic Legislative Network. I barely remember what particular bill we were lobbying on, but I remember Ryle to be extremely friendly and engaged with the issues. Ryle subscribed to a political vision that some in the Catholic social justice movement subscribe to called the "Seamless Garment." This is also sometimes called the "Culture of Life," a phrase that unfortunately too many of us Catholics have allowed the right to co-opt. Yes, Ryle was against abortion, but he was also against the death penalty and wanted society's priorities rearanged in favor of the downtrodden and forgotten. It is a Christian vision that is a far cry from people who seem to parse scripture to look for excuses to hate people that they aren't inclined to like in the first place. See, there I go again: being all bitter the way Monsignor Ryle never was.|W|P|113589278946990782|W|P|Monsignor Edward Ryle|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
We need to be opening up Alaska and the North Carolina coast. Obviously, it's not Gore's priority. If you haven¹t done it by now, the heck with you.Nice. Not exactly the sorts of attitude you want publicized when you are running for Congress in Tucson. So, where do the Country Club Republicans go now? The scramble to find a decent moderate that actually wants to run has been almost as futile (but not nearly as comical) as the Republicans' search for a candidate for governor that someone besides the candidate's mother might vote for.
But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they?L. Frank Baum, the author of the Wizard of Oz, was a hardcore Democrat. In the original story, Dorothy had silver slippers and the Wizard had a strange resemblance to William Jennings Bryan. She could only get home after all of the Democratic constituencies, represented by the Tin Woodsman, the Scarecrow and the Lion, realized how much power they had inside themselves. It's all a big liberal media conspiracy, really.|W|P|113496460739239658|W|P|He Does Have a Point There Though|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
Of the aforementioned adults, who do you think is more likely to vote--the conservatives and fellow Republicans, or the Hispanics and political moderates?So, I am hoping that Patterson isn't saying that the Republicans are counting on low turnout among Hispanics and moderates. Yes, moderates tend not to show up in great numbers in primaries, but they do vote in general elections. If he is saying that there are enough hard core conservatives to elect a state wide candidate without significant amounts of moderate voters, fine, let the Republicans think that. They can ask Governor Matt Salmon how well that has worked in recent elections. Here is the Republican spin that I just love: Kyl is supposedly hugely popular and invincible at 46% , but Governor Janet Napolitano is unpopular (naturally due to her Bolshevik policies) and will be taken apart by any Republcan at 65%. Someone will have to explain this one to me. By the way, even the outlier Zogby poll that Espresso Pundit loves say "proves" that the Governor is beatable still shows Napolitano with slightly higher numbers than Kyl has.|W|P|113479845814445761|W|P|Golly, I Hope That Those People Don't Vote|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
Funny. Nothing in there blaming some conspiracy of Planned Parenthood or the Governor. Nothing claiming that the bipartisan commission is biased. Nothing in there claiming that no one has the authority to tell him how to use public funds Wow, he's taking full responsibility for his mistakes. In other words, nothing like David Burnell Smith.|W|P|113449887031011869|W|P|Ableser Settlement|W|P|prezelski@aol.com8. Respondent agrees to pay to the Commission, within 30 days of the date of this Settlement Agreement, a civil penalty in the amount of $1,566.03, which is the sum of the reimbursements for expenditures that were not reported on the same day the expenditures were made. 9. Respondent acknowledges that the Commission has the authority to fine Respondent ten times the amount by which expenditures exceeded the applicable limits pursuant to A.R.S. §16-942(B), which is $15,660.30. 10. The Commission declines to impose the maximum penalty based on the following reasons: • Respondent cooperated fully with the audit, investigation and resolution of this matter; • Absence of prior enforcement action before the Commission • Respondent made a good faith effort to comply with the Act and attended a Commission-sponsored training class on November 12, 2003; and • Respondent did not seek or gain an advantage from the violations outlined above because at all relevant times his campaign had adequate funds to make the payments directly from his campaign account.
Ted Downing is untouchable. Kim Sheane is expendable.Oh, puh-leeze. Sheane, as an unelected staffer and lobbyist, has probably gotten her way on more bills than Downing. Downing, like many members of the Democratic caucus (or moderate Republican members, for that matter), has a tough time getting his bills scheduled by a committee. There was even an attempt to prevent him and other members from asking questions on the floor. But, we are supposed to pity the poor Republicans. Next, we'll find out that a Democrat said "Season's Greetings." By the way, Sheane, near as I can tell, did not lose her job.
Remember that the last time Arizona had open congressional seats NO ONE picked Grijalva, Franks and Renzi. The conventional wisdom was Richardson, Atkins and flip a coin for the Mormon up north.Um...no one picked Grijalva? Observers who took the time to examine the race thought that the best Richardson could do was have a really close race with Grijalva. Two candidates ditched the race entirely because of the strength of Grijalva (both tried to run in CD1). National organizations, such as the Sierra Club, lined up behind Grijalva as a sure winner. I worked for the State Party at the time, and they were betting on Grijalva too (quietly, of course) because of his organizational aptitude. The only people who thought that the race belonged to Richardson were the Phoenix media who seem to think that the only serious candidates are those that work in Phoenix. Patterson, however, did quote me though when I "skewered" the Buisiness Journal of Phoenix for this same attitude in this year's CD 7 race.|W|P|113448143286449573|W|P|Parity: Not Just for NFL Teams Anymore|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
The court finds that Representative Smith has usurped, intruded into and unlawfully holds or exercises the office of District 7 state representative.Sounds pretty unequivocal to me. Before we hear about some judicial anti-conservative bias, Aceto was appointed to the Superior Court in 1995, during the administration of J. Fife Symington III, and served as an assistant Attorney General to Bob Corbin. Another point that people should keep in mind that I harp on constantly is that Smith voluntarily signed on to the Clean Elections system. Not only that, he is a lawyer admitted to the bar in three states and even brags on his legislative site that he has been a law instructor as well. It is safe to assume the man knew how to read the Clean Elections contract and knew the rules and the consequences of violating them. I don't know why Smith is so concerned about being forced to vacate his seat, since he hasn't shown much interest in being there. He has the worst attendance record in the house. Given that the session was mostly over by the time his legal struggles were in full flower, it would be difficult for him to argue it is because of his having to go to court.|W|P|113399698575662810|W|P|Yet Another Ruling Against Smith|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
I never planned to leave; this has been the most difficult decision of my life. But God has a way of interrupting our plans and moving us out of our comfort zone when we least expect it. All I can say is that we serve an amazing and challenging God who leads us on marvelous adventures!Yes, God told him to resign. The Lord works in mysterious ways; funny how His plans always coincide with the political aspirations of right wingers. He also has a "prayer center." He has a call for fasting to battle the materialism of our culture, I have to give him props for that. But, he also has a call for "intercessory prayer," strange since I thought that was one of the things that we Catholics get criticized by Bible thumpers for. Munsil says:
CAP often stands alone publicly, taking on the multi-million dollar goliaths of the abortion, pornography and gambling industries, along with homosexual and liberal media groups. Public “persecution” and threats are common.Yeah, those conservative evangelicals are so put down upon, with control of the presidency, congress and so many other institutions. They are the new Blacks. There have been at least two stabbing incidents that I know of on Fourth Avenue in recent years directed at gays. I think this sort of "Public persecution" would rank a bit higher than whatever Munsil suffers from.
Unlike Napolitano, Jan Smith Florez will not hide from the challenges that Arizona faces. She will not allow future generations to be burdened with today's problems. She will not routinely ignore the will of the people of Arizona. Jan Smith Florez is Right for Arizona."Right" there is not a synonym for "correct." When has Napolitano "ignored the will" of Arizonans? There are lots of things that the Governor has done that can be criticized by conservatives, but are they going to argue that her policies are unpopular? Please. Recent polling shows that the Governor is still very popular, which is why the Republicans have been having trouble recruiting a higher profile candidate. The Republicans, particularly those in the legislature, are living in some sort of bizarro world where their most neanderthal policies are supported by the vast majority of Arizonans, but a sensible moderate is a dangerous bolshevik. I guess they can keep convincing themselves of this, but they shouldn't be suprised when they lose, again, next year.|W|P|113353123953682047|W|P|Delusions of Piety and Delusions of Popularity|W|P|prezelski@aol.com