Legislators are committed to fully funding every student and making sure every student graduates in a timely manner.That's right. The legislative leadership has been well known for its high regard for students and our state universities. Knaperek and her colleagues wouldn't have to cut university budgets unless they were forced to. She says it's the fault of...okay...you know what is coming, so all together now... It is Janet Napolitano's fault. Knaperek's argument is that it is all the fault of the Board of Regents, and she helpfully points out that Governor Napolitano is an ex officio member. Knaperek's letter, available on Lofty Donkey, attempts to blame the Regents, but she also admits that the legislature provides one third of the funding for the universities. Apparently, she doesn't realize that if someone messes with a source that provides a third of your money, you have to make it up somewhere. Pretty slick of Knaperek to try to blame the Governor though. Does that mean that it is also ex officio regent Tom Horne's fault too? Of course it isn't. The letter smacks of an argument that Knaperek probably doesn't buy, and I doubt Widmer buys the argument either or it would not have magically appeared on the Lofty Donkey site. This letter and these claims have more to do with election year politics than anything else. Last year's buzzsaw that Knaperek ran into regarding the spousal rape bill was organized by ASU students, so now she realizes that she has to at least pretend that she represents student interests. NB - Lofty Donkey features a picture of newly enthroned Senator Ed Ableser addressing a student protest. Ableser did that thing that politicians always seem to do: they feel like they need to wear a t-shirt to show support at an event, so they put the t-shirt on over the shirt and tie they are wearing. This thing always bugs the heck out of me. Geez, Ed.|W|P|114626115948386692|W|P|Knaperek to Students: It's All the Governor's Fault|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
"Top Ten Reasons I Don't Date Republicans" by Linda Sanchez 10. The only time they believe in fiscal restraint is when the dinner bill comes. 9. His idea of getting to second base is fondling my stock portfolio. 8. He thinks that Emily's List is a call girl service. 7. His idea of oral stimulation is getting me to recite the Contract with America. 6. He thinks that white pantyhose and pearls are sexy--and you should see what he wants me to wear. 5. Because when Republicans say that they want to create opportunities for minorities, that means they want to date me and Loretta. 4. Despite all the hype, I still can't find his weapon of mass destruction. 3. His pending prison term for political corruption is just another excuse for him to be emotionally unavailable. 2. Republicans are only interested in screwing the poor. 1. Because they make love like they make war: they lie to get in and don't have a plan for what to do once they get there.|W|P|114625179182292339|W|P|Why Linda Sanchez Doesn't Date Republicans|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
"Above all, he showed us there was a human worth in every individual," said Rep. Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz.This ended up in his e-mail as:
"Above all, he showed us there was a human worth in every individual," said Rep. Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz. "It does not matter that Chavez was a communist. Rumors that communists have murdered millions of their own people are racist, capitalist lies."Um, okay. Warden sends out such doctored quotes in different colors, but many e-mail programs don't display the colors, so who would know? The Star has asked Warden to stop sending the doctored quotes and representing them as the Star's. This led to a high minded response from Warden to Star Editor Teri Hayt, who Warden refered to as a "hairy breasted Amazon":
PERHAPS YOU SHOULD HAND OFF THIS ISSUE FOR THE MEN TO SETTLE.The Star decided that Warden isn't worth suing over this matter. Oh, but don't think of Warden as a sexist. I mean, one of the other leaders in his group is a woman, Laine Lawless. Lawless, if you remember, is the one who always likes to claim that the Guardians' protests are against the Mexican government, but not against migrants or Hispanics in general. So, why, Ms. Lawless, are you posting to hate group bulletin boards suggesting that people steal money from and beat up illegal aliens? Why do you suggest that people do what they can to keep Spanish-speaking immigrant children (no matter what their legal status) out of school? What do you mean by talking about sabotaging "food and entertainment"? And, if this isn't about race, why are you posting on neo-Nazi bulletin boards? By the way, Chris Simcox and company haven't yet disavowed these chowderheads. The funny part is there actually are a significant number of Hispanics in this country that want to limit immigration, but its exactly these sort of extremist nut-jobs that keep them from being outspoken. The fact that so many Republican politicians and commentators are more than happy to line up with these racist nitwits only gives ammunition to people who think that the Republican party and the anti-immigrant movement are uniformly anti-Hispanic. To paraphrase an addage from a few decades ago: they aren't for the racists, but the racists are all for them.|W|P|114605951741841064|W|P|Those Border Guardians: Just Concerned Citizens, Really|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
Petition Circulators needed NOW! Reply to: job-153426042@craigslist.org Date: 2006-04-21, 9:07PM you must be registered to vote to apply. We need petition circulators for a U.S. Congressional candidate for the 7th District. Pay is per signature and job needs to be completed by 5/15. we only need 500 signatures so it will be quick cash for a motivated person! collect signatures from registered voters in Avondale, Tucson, Maricopa, Yuma, Parker. call to inquire at 623-670-2778 Original URL: http://tucson.craigslist.org/npo/153426042.htmlLet's see the signature requirements for CD 7: DEMOCRATIC: 641 REPUBLICAN: 338 LIBERTARIAN: 12 Um...hmm...so, he needs about 500...that must mean this is a Republican candidate, or a really ambitious Libertarian...probably not Joe Sweeney. Judging from Sweeney's website, he probably doesn't know how to post on Craigslist. Plus, he always seems to make the ballot on his own. (By the way, the last person to challenge his petitions was Jim Toeves way back in 1992. Suprise, his signatures were bad.)
We can help your company compete in the global marketplace by assisting you in hiring foreign individuals with needed skills including professionals, technicians, management, executive personnel, or other accomplished individuals. We can also help the corporate client establish or expand operations in the United States by assisting in the transfer of managers, executives or specialists from affiliated entities abroad to the United States. The Firm can help your company develop compliance plans and conduct private audits to prevent fines for failure to maintain certain immigration and labor-related paperwork. Munger Chadwick can help your company bring world class athletes, entertainers and entertainment groups, or cultural exchange groups to the U.S. for international festivals, meets, performances, etc.Wow, Munger Chadwick will help you "prevent fines" for breaking labor and immigration laws. Nice. Also, they will help you find those foreign workers that you can pay 25% less than an American worker. Interestingly, immigration, possibly the biggest issue going for his party right now, was undiscussed in the interview.|W|P|114537012348156435|W|P|John Munger: Working Class Hero|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
You know, it's a new f***ing outrage every day. After a year, that's 365 f***ing outrages.By the way, Al was totally unengaged with politics until Bush came along.|W|P|114506525900107146|W|P|Quote of the Week, No, Decade|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
The Supreme Court has decided that you have a Constitutional right to burn an American flag, but don't try burning a Mexican one.Yeah, the Border Guardians are being opressed for burning a flag, while all of those hippie communists are allowed to get away with burning American flags, and probably are paid to do it by the NEA. Those Tucson police are well known for being radical lefties who look for any chance to punish true patriots. Give me a break. This ignores the actual reasons for the arrest. Roy Warden, the flag burner, is being charged with three things: reckless burning, criminal damage and assault. Reckless burning is a charge that has been brought up against flag burners in the past, and federal courts have said that such prosecutions are legal because they apply if you are burning a Mexican flag, American flag, or a stack of Danielle Steele novels. I suppose Warden's supporters will still argue that prosecuting him for this is a violation of his rights, but that doesn't do anything about the other charges, one for the damage he caused to the shuffleboard courts and the other for assaulting a cameraman. I suppose next we'll hear that his striking the cameraman was because he felt opressed by liberal media bias. Given that Warden and his group were trespassing (rally organizers had a permit to use the park, the Guardians didn't), and that they were attempting to incite a riot, he was lucky to only get charged with these crimes. (Something I find interesting the various statements from immigration opponents about this incident is the implication that somehow American flags have been burned at protests in Tucson and Phoenix. Anyone heard that this has actually happened? Really? I didn't think so.) One of the most extreme examples of the new conservative "we-are-so-big-and-tough-but-we-will-cry-when-the-big-bad-liberals-do-something" school of rhetoric is Bill O'Reilly. He talks like some swaggering dockworker, but then claims that if some clerk at a Wal-Mart somewhere doesn't say "Merry Chistmas," he is being hurt deeply. Rep. Jonathan Paton, who has told colleagues that he isn't doing all of this for publicity, appeared on yesterday's O'Reilly Factor with Moon-yee Fung, president of Tucson High's Teenage Republican Club. Once again, they rehashed the cost of the busses during the student walkouts (requested, as it turns out, by the police) and Dolores Huerta's "Republicans Hate Latinos" statement. Apparently, Fung was so offended by this that she tried to leave, and wasn't allowed to. Unlike O'Rielly, I won't pretend to know the reasons for this. Ironically, Fung herself admits to voluntarilly attending the event, and supports some sort of legalization process for undocumented workers. Shh...don't be too loud about that part, or these new friends you just got will drop you and they can be a heck of a lot nastier than Dolores Huerta can be. Fung's supporters are claiming that she wanted so desperately to go to her own state legislative delegation about this incident, but they were Democrats and she was scared to talk to them. Yeah, that Victor Soltero is a scary, scary man. I don't want to pick on Fung because I became politically active around the same age she is now. Heck, if she thinks it is hard to organize Republicans at Tucson High, try to organize a Democratic club at St. Gregory, back in the days when they didn't give so many scholarships. My trouble here is with people on the right who poke around until they find a "victim" of yet another supposed lefty plot. It is ridiculous. What I would suggest to Fung is that she and her club engage in the discussion and show that there are well-intentioned Republicans like her that want sensible immigration reform. Given that the day before Fung appeared on the show, O'Rielly claimed that a Cleveland newspaper was "pro-criminal" because there were so many minorities there, that may be the wrong forum to give that message. Paton also tried to make a slap at Rep. Raul Grijalva for appearing on the campus. Grijalva did not even make a formal speech, but discussed issues with students. What's that? A congressman meeting with high school students? How dare he! You have kids meet with their community's leaders, they may grow up to be responsible members of society, they may even vote. We can't have this. (Hands up all of you who think that Republican hackles would be raised if Sen. Jon Kyl spoke on a high school campus somewhere.) As expected, O'Rielly merely used Paton and Fung as an excuse to whine that those darned public schools are indoctrinating our good American youth into being unabashed lefties. Given that Huerta was invited by the students, it doesn't sound like much indoctrination is necessary. O'Rielly cares so much about this issue by the way, that he claimed not to know who Dolores Huerta is, even though every story about this incident would have told him exactly who she is. By the way, Paton has been invited by Tucson High to speak, you know "fair and balanced" like, and he has refused. NB - Paton and Fung were not in O'Rielly's studio, of course, but were interviewed remotely. They were in the studios of KUAT, the local public television station located on the University of Arizona campus. I'll let you tally up the ironies.|W|P|114502589079851411|W|P|Whine Merchants|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
To this point, only some student leaders have had the opportunity to participate in discussions about possible events to be held this week and in the future. We are committed to giving all students the opportunity to voice their opinions in a safe environment. Each school will provide opportunities from a menu that includes, but is not limited to, class discussions, forums, debates, panels, and letter or petition writing.So, Grijalva was doing what he and many local leaders wanted, giving students a chance to express themselves without leaving class. Apparently, this wasn't even a full blown speech, but mostly a question and answer session. It is ridiculous to think that a congressman can't talk to a group of high school students in his own district. Neither Huerta or Grijalva is Paton's political cup of tea. This goes without saying. But it is overkill to declare war on the school district over this matter.|W|P|114493736394315870|W|P|Maybe They Can Subpoena the Spirit Club For Making Students Sit Through Another Stupid Pep Rally|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
You know, I’m so glad you raised that, because I took the step of writing the tribes that support me. We should point out, when I was elected to Congress, I have more American Indians in my district, nearly one out of every four of my constituents was American Indian, I’m part of a Native American caucus, the co-chair. The real story would have been if the tribes were not supporting me. But you know what I did? I wrote the tribes who enlisted Abramoff and his associates as lobbyists, I said, “Do you want your campaign contributions back?” And they said, “No.” They said, “You have consistently stood up for the sovereign rights of Native peoples, and we respect that, whoever our advocate is in Washington.”You know, if you believe that he was glad that Russert raised the question, you may just believe the rest of his answer. Yes, when Hayworth was elected, his district was heavily Native American. It included the Navajo, Hopi and White Mountain Apache, three of the largest native nations in the country. However, these have since been razored out of the district, and he now represents the much smaller Ft. McDowell and Salt River Pima nations. The native population of his district is still significant, but it is deceptive to imply that he represents an overwelmingly Native American district. The other thing that is deceptive: the contributions in question did not come from tribes in his district, or even in Arizona. His TEAM PAC, of which Abramoff was an early and significant supporter, was funded by Jack Abramoff connected tribes. As I have written here before, the PAC has only one employee, Hayworth's wife, Mary. Also, the assertion that he's had friendly conversations with the tribes about the money and they don't want it back is incorrect. At least one tribe in Texas has said that they would like their money back. Another thing that he said that I found interesting:
As I write in my book, let’s take a look back to 2004. Proposition 200 on the ballot in Arizona, to deprive illegals of social benefits, and it passed overwhelmingly. And as the Arizona Daily Star reported, it passed with a majority of Hispanic votes as well. The fact is, Hispanics voted in greater numbers for Proposition 200 than they did for President Bush, who received 43 percent of the Hispanic vote in Arizona.I don't know about the stats on Hispanic support of Proposition 200 that he quotes, but I do know of one Anglo that came out publically against it: him, along with the rest of the congressional delegation. When will someone in the press ask him why he's flip-flopped on this?|W|P|114473397992438233|W|P|Hayworth on Russert|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
We're not picking on Mexicans specifically, but we're blaming their government and their citizens who are here illegally in the U.S.We're not picking on Mexicans, but we are burning a Mexican flag. Oh, okay then. Even their own website says that the burning of the Mexican flag was to protest "Mexican disrespect of American Sovreignty." So, they aren't protesting against Mexicans specifically, but they are specifically protesting against Mexicans. Their website also calls humanitarian aid workers "treasonous" (thereby considering it a capitol offense to give someone water), decries protestors for carrying American flags (they are anti-patriots when they don't, and apparently they are desecrating the flag when they do), labels people who don't hold their racist views traitors, and cheers on the bizarre prosecution of Daniel Strauss and Shanti Sellz. It would be easier to admire the stones of these people if they were burning the Mexican flag in front of the consulate if the consulate wasn't closed at the time. Wow, that's bravery. Heck, with that level of courage, even the Minutemen could make fun of you guys. I heard a rumor that the Minutemen were going to be at today's rally. Is it really going to be the Minutemen, or just these schlubs? I ask because I had an idea for a sign. It comes from something I posted on Enviro Hanky. I was thinking of buying a beer for anyone that makes a sign that says this:
Do Your Wives Call You Minutemen Too?Ad hominem attacks can be fun.|W|P|114467791741582140|W|P|What a Bunch of Jerks|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
We need to put up a big electric fence and maybe kill a few, I'm sorry, but that's what we need to do.Well, I guess it's nice to hear that he's sorry he wants to kill people. I wonder if he considers himself pro-life?|W|P|114460003663908707|W|P|As Heard on NPR|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
According to news reports, a private attorney hired to represent the state by Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard told U.S. District Judge Raner Collins that key parts of the Legislature's plan violate federal law, a strategy encouraged by the Governor. "It is shameful that the Governor and Attorney General have actively sabotaged the state's case and orchestrated a judicial power grab," said Hayworth. "We must not allow Arizona's ELL program to be run by an unelected and unaccountable federal judge just because the Governor can't bring herself to compromise with the legislature."See what I mean? He obviously thinks that Napolitano is an abject failure. Since he is such a man of principle and courage, I take it that he will take the first chance he can to run against her and rid this state of her menace. Oh? He whimped out of that? Can't be. He's so brave. He's so brave that he's ghostwritten a book picking on migrant workers. By the way, I've talked to a few people and there is no way that this thing has the time to percolate through the process this session, much less before Collins issues a decision. So, this thing is just a really elaborate press release paid for by you, the taxpayer.|W|P|114454463017862582|W|P|Clearly, They Aren't Giving the Man Enough to Do|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
In the past couple of months, pro-marriage supporters in two states, California and Florida, have failed to gather enough signatures to put marriage protection amendments on their ballots. The anti-marriage activists have started to brag that these failures show that support for traditional marriage is declining and that it is a good sign that they are going to eventually succeed in legalizing same-sex marriage.Organizers are having a lot more trouble collecting the signatures they need than they thought. They have been working on this since last summer, but still apparently haven't gotten their act together. They were also stymied in their efforts to collect in front of some churches, since they seem to take that whole thing about their tax-exempt status seriously. Wait, couldn't they pay for signatures? R-Cubed's spies tell us that neither of the big signature gathering firms that work Arizona has been contracted to work on this effort. One has actually refused to carry it all together, worried that it will turn off people to signing other things that they are working on. By the way, Republican mastermind and accused voter registration form destroyer Nathan Sproul is one of the people helping out this effort. Gosh, this sort of failure will be so bad for his reputation as an organizer. Too bad, Nate.|W|P|114439384393293392|W|P|I Cried About This for, I Dunno, Seconds|W|P|prezelski@aol.comWe here in Arizona can help show that this is not true by putting the Protect Marriage Amendment on the ballot in November but we need your help to do it!
To get this amendment on the ballot, the Protect Marriage Arizona Coalition, which United Families Arizona is a member of, must turn in 183,917 valid signatures of registered voters by July 6th We are making good progress, but we need a lot more help to reach that goal.
Polls show that the marriage amendment should win in November if we can get it on the ballot. Passing this amendment will not only protect marriage in Arizona, but send a strong signal to the rest of the country that marriage is important and we WILL defend it.
The paradigm shift, since I took office is that the Department of Education will be primarily a service organization, helping school districts and charter schools achieve more academic success. The Department is also an organization that assures compliance, and we will have to be conscientious about that, but the compliance function will be secondary. The primary function is now: service.Okay, what the heck is with that comma after "paradigm shift?" The second sentence looks to be a run-on and doesn't seem to belong there. That third sentence is improperly punctuated. The whole paragraph smacks of meaningless "corporatespeak." It is the sort of thing a college student would write when he or she hopes to snow their instructor by how many big words and long sentences they can throw around. Most of the English teachers in this state would hand this back to Mr. Horne with a big red "rewrite" written across the top. NB - Yes, I make grammar and puncutation errors too. But I'm not in charge of the schools, am I?|W|P|114433591732143896|W|P|Once We Get this "English Language Learner" Thing Cleared Up, Maybe We Should Send the Superintendent's Webmaster for a Refresher|W|P|prezelski@aol.com
Re: Illegal Alien March on April 10th Dear Governor Napolitano: I believe there is a cause for great concern regarding public safety during the upcoming protest march. The promoters of this event claim that over 100,000 demonstrators will be in attendance. They also claim that this will be a peaceful event, but we cannot go on the assumption that it will be peaceful. The marchers may be peaceful, but outside agitators could disrupt the event. If this happens, the march could very easily turn violent. With this in mind, I request that the Arizona National Guard be stationed in the area of the march. The presence of the Guard will have a stabilizing effect on the entire situation. In addition to stability, the guard would get real life experience in crowd control. I hope that you will give my request serious consideration. Sincerely, Senator Ron Gould